Sequential incisal table
Based on its flexible concept of using exchangeable guidance tables in various gradations, the sequential incisal table is geometrically and didactically easily comprehensible and allows to define occlusion concepts by predetermining an angle of disocclusion.
The sequential incisal table is extremely simple and easy to use, both in its diagnostic and technical wax-up applications. The fan-shaped guide surfaces of the table allow for direct assignment to a tooth and a simple implementation of the natural sequential occlusion concept.
The reconstructive wax-up concept is determined by selecting the individual elements. Depending on which occlusal surface (tooth) is being worked on, the table is set to the corresponding mark found on the side of the base plate, by sliding forward or backwards, respectively.
Guidelines are provided by a program, which processes the inclination of the joint track (CADIAX®) to the axis-orbital plane, as well as the selected Bennett element as parameters in the 2-dimensional table.
The CADIAX® system calculates the values automatically!
In asymmetric cases, the inserts (colors) may be combined arbitrarily.
Individual anterior guidance unit
The individual reference incisal table is a variant for the individualization of the incisal table guidance. The device is used where other concepts or guides which are not executable are desired, deviating from the sequence table.
The table is divided into a purely protrusive part (interchangeable in 3 different curvatures) and a right and left laterotrusive guide part. The guides are adjustable: 0°-80 ° protrusively, 20°-65 ° laterotrusive. The necessary data can be retrieved via the CADIAX module of the Gamma Dental software (articulator calculation).
The two pins are plugged into separate jacks in the articulator, and are individually adjustable to zero position. The complete unit as shown, with 3 exchangeable protrusion inserts.
Standard incisal tables
Guiding standard from flat to 55 °; centrically adjustable on self-centering base plate. The flat table is designed for the lower jaw assembly and the preparation of individual front tooth guides made of autopolymer. The incisal table 30 °, 40 ° and 55 ° are designed with 5 ° steeper protrusive inclinations and are modeled with a continuous transition to simulate natural front situations.
3D measuring template
Weber's 3D measuring template, for metric measuring of cusp coordinates directly in the Reference SL articulator.
Waxing DVD Class I
Instructional DVD of Prof. Rudolf Slavicek and his team to the Theme "Sequential Growth of Class I Occlusion".
Prof. Slavicek describes the historical background and the need for application. All in all, it is a teaching DVD, which the viewer can process in the sense of a wax-up course:
- Basics, x-ray, articulator
- Set the occlusal plane
- Active and passive center arc
- wax-up first molars
- wax-up premolars
- wax-up front canine group
- wax-up the second molars
- Completion and control
Waxing DVD Class II, III and Crossbite
Instructional DVD by Prof. Rudolf Slavicek and his team on Theme "Sequential Growth of Class II, III and Crossbite" occlusion
- wax-up Class II without protrusion
- wax-up class II with protrusion
- wax-up Class III and Crossbite